Regardless of the media outlet, whether it's TV, the Internet, magazines, newspapers, they all have one simple common goal: to attract and hold the attention of as many viewers as possible so they can increase ad or subscription sales. And nothing keeps a viewer motivated to stay tuned quite like fear. Now, I'm sure you know this already, but I still find it to be a helpful reminder when I watch or I read the news, especially as it relates to the economy and financial markets. Because although we need to rely on the media to stay informed, it's become extremely important to be a critical viewer, so we're not misinformed, and avoid the temptation to take what are often highly educated opinions and projections as absolute fact. Remember, nobody knows your specific situation, and any advice you receive from the media is, more or less, generalized.

So, the question becomes, how do we get past the noise? And how do we find the truth for ourselves so that we can apply this knowledge and maximize the potential of our own unique lifestyles? And that's what I'm going to show you how to do.

So, by the end of this video, you're going to learn the following: First, a little bit about myself and Palm Capital Management. Next, I'm going to teach you how to put together a retirement plan the right way. And I'm going to do this by using a real-life example. Now, a proper retirement plan covers a wide net of subjects, and we're going to touch on many of them. And through this comprehensive process, it's going to lay the groundwork and drive the decisions that we make from all the options available to us. And at the end, it's going to be crystal clear - and it doesn't matter if you have 10,000 or 10 million to invest - if you're not going through this planning process before deciding what investment vehicles or insurance products or estate planning strategies to use, you're making a big mistake. This is your life savings we're talking about, and it deserves your time and attention. Finally, we're going to talk about our firm's investment philosophy and some of the investment strategies that we implement for our clients who are preparing for or in retirement. So again, thank you for your interest, and let's get started.

As for myself, my name is Alano Massi. I'm a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ practitioner and fiduciary advisor specializing in retirement planning and wealth management. Now, in addition to playing golf, the drums, and spending time with my family, helping someone establish and manage a path that can maximize their retirement lifestyle is, without a doubt, my favorite thing to do. When I speak to individuals and families about forging a path to hit their goals, the recommendations I provide can often mean the difference between an average and a great retirement plan. And that is a tremendous responsibility, one which I take very seriously and one that I'm honored to uphold on behalf of my clients. In doing so, our firm's assets and income, and our livelihood is aligned with and completely dependent on the success of our clients’ plans and portfolios. Now, what I mean by that is, when I make an investment recommendation, unless it's a highly unique request from a client, I do not recommend anything that I've not invested in myself personally. Additionally, our business model does not involve making any commissions from investments, because Palm Capital Management is not a broker for any specific company. Being an independent Fiduciary advisor allows our firm to recommend what's in the best interest of the client at all times to help eliminate conflicts of interest during the process.

At Palm Capital Management, we don't subscribe to the idea that a comprehensive retirement and investment plan can be accomplished simply by using technology alone. Nor do we feel that an advisory firm should not strive to equip and afford themselves the technological tools to provide you with the best service possible. We operate under the belief that the best value we can create for you is by combining powerful finance and communication-based technology with the irreplaceable and priceless component of the human touch. This gives you the personalized experience of having your own dedicated fiduciary advisor at your service who has the ability to leverage our resources and platforms in order to provide you an unparalleled experience. And you don't have to be limited by proximity, because we can and do advise clients all across the country in addition to the Los Angeles area.

So how about we dive into a real-life example of a retirement plan we recently put together for a client so that you can see for yourselves how one should be properly set up to help maximize your own lifestyle.